The Entebbe Municipality Deputy Mayor Richard Ssekyondo is counting himself unlucky and cursing why he joined politics after he was unearthed in a fishy deal to solicit cash from poor UPE Primary school head teachers in Entebbe Municipality.
We have highly established that Ssekyondo Richard with help and coordination from the St. Joseph’s Katabi Primary School Head Teacher Namusisi Josephine who also doubles as the Entebbe Primary Schools Head Teachers Association Treasurer tasked all Entebbe Primary School Head Teachers to contribute funds towards his “assistance”.
“St. Joseph’s Katabi Head Teacher Namusisi Josephine has been sending messages to all Head Teachers of UPE schools informing us to send our contributions towards meeting the Deputy Mayor’s assistance. Last week we were invited for a meeting at Municipal Council regarding the upcoming Entebbe Marathon and the matter was raised. We aren’t ready to abide by the Deputy Mayor’s demands because we have our own issues and problems to deal with. I don’t think Ssekyondo Richard will be impartial and objective when supervising schools under his docket as Secretary for Education after we compromise him with money”, a Head Teacher who spoke on condition of anonymity told entebbenews.
When contacted, Deputy Mayor Richard Ssekyondo didn’t deny or dismiss the claims saying that he positively welcomes the financial assistance. Sekyondo revealed that he has journeyed well with all the head teachers in Entebbe Municipality as Secretary of Education and that if they wish to give him a present as an appreciation, he would gladly receive it.

Sources have revealed that all the head teachers from all 15 UPE Schools in Entebbe were each told to contribute One Hundred Thousand Shillings (Shs100, 000) towards the purchase of the Deputy Mayor’s personal car however Entebbenews cannot independently verify these claims.
According to a message that Entebbenews has obtained and which was sent by the St. Joseph’s Katabi Head Teacher Namusisi Josephine reads;
Dear Head Teachers Of UPE Schools, you are reminded of the resolution which you resolved in the last meeting to meet the Deputy Mayor’s assistance. Pliz send your contributions because the appointment has been scheduled for Tuesday 20/02/2018 at 10am. You are also invited for Entebbe Marathon second Edition launch scheduled for 19/02/2018 at 11am at council chapel. Pliz attend in person.