Former Health state minister Dr. Alex Kamugisha has never stopped shedding tears ever since he lost his job a couple of years ago after he was implicated in the GAVI Funds Scam. The aging man was kicked out of cabinet together with Mike Mukula and Jim Muhwezi after they were named in a dirty deal to swindle GAVI Funds meant to help Tuberculosis (TB), AIDS and Malaria patients. The trio was cleared by courts of law after they failed to get evidence to implicate them. However recently Sevo only remembered his bush war colleague Jim Muhwezi and appointed him Minister of Information and National Guidance after he repented his ‘sins’ and swore never to be stubborn again. The big man forgot about Mike Mukula and Dr. Alex Kamugisha who have gone silent and gathered a lot of dust. The St.Mary’s Medical Centre and Lotus Bar Boss is now back in the political spot light and he is badly eyeing the Rukungiri Municipality seat in the 2016 hot boiling general elections. The gray haired man has now shifted his base from Entebbe to Rukungiri to canvass for votes.