Entebbe Parents Secondary School Administration and students have a reason to smile after good Samaritans from Qatar through Munazamat Dawatil in Uganda a Muslim nongovernmental organization constructed a sick bay for the school. The sick bay which was officially opened on Wednesday last week has a patient ward, examination room, several Laboratory equipments and HIV testing kits.

Speaking to entebbenews Aisha Mohamed Doka the head mistress Entebbe Parents expressed her gratitude and appreciation to the Qatari sponsors for the initiative and called on the residents of Entebbe Municipality to utilize the services offered at the sick bay.

“The sick bay was opened last week on Wednesday and I call upon all the residents of Entebbe Municipality and other out-patients to utilize the services offered at the facility. They will have to part with the some money that will be used to pay salaries for the nurse who works full time and the doctor who is always available thrice a week.” Aisha Doka stated.