Faith power centre church Bishop Charles Kiwanuka Kaisali is in trouble over trespassing on one Wilfred Odoi’s Land illegally. The contentious land is located on plot 7B Moroto close next to the church facility in Entebbe.
The woman claims she acquired the disputed land in 1995 and registered the title in the names of her children. The man of God used her absence while she was away in the UK on kyeyo and grabbed her land which she reportedly acquired in 1990.
In 2008 the man of God encroached on her land and extended his house in the poor lady’s plot, Kaisali according to eyewitnesses destroyed her crops and shrubs. In 2012 she approached Pastor Kaisali and he agreed to demolish the perimeter wall provided she erected a wall to demarcate the boundaries.
And since then nothing seems to have happened or developed. In her legal suit dated May 27th 2014 the plaintiff wants court to declare her the rightful owner of the disputed land in addition to ordering Pastor Kaisali to pay all legal costs and damages.